
AlphaLiteracy Complete Series – 240 Titles


Sustain and extend the literacy learning of all student



AlphaLiteracy Series Overview :

AlphaLiteracy packs presents a range of titles with topics that students will find familiar and appealing. They contain a wide variety of text types displaying a full range of language and text features. Vocabulary is gradually introduced and high-frequency words are repeatedly used for practice and to maintain reader confidence.

These books support talking, writing and reading activities. AlphaLiteracypromises to sustain and extend the literacy learning of all students.

Features of the AlphaLiteracy series:

  • Accurate, interesting, well-researched texts written by a team of expert authors
  • Texts that inform and extend students’ knowledge as they learn to read and read to learn
  • A mix of narrative and informative texts
  • Visually stunning photographs, illustrations and diagrams that engage and inform readers
  • Texts that link to the science, technology, geography and history, health and physical education areas of the curriculum
  • A comprehensive range of explicit teaching materials for each level
  • WorldWise teaches reading strategies simultaneously with natural, earth and physical science concepts. Lesson Plans for each text establish a reading focus with explicit links to the science curriculum.


AlphaLiteracy Series Includes 240 Titles From Below Packs  :

Pack Title Pack Price
Emergent Pack – 50 Titles (Levels 1 – 5)  $                   225.00
Early Pack –  60 Titles (Levels 6 – 11)  $                   300.00
Transitional Pack- 60 Titles (Levels 12 – 17)  $                   325.00
Extending Pack -70 Titles (Levels 18-24)  $                   375.00
 Total – 240 Titles  $               1,225.00



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